Honoring Father’s Day for What it Should Be

Jackie Bledsoe and daughter, Jaicey (2)Jackie Bledsoe, Jr:

I love having “little people” who look just like me, and act just like I use to act (the good and the bad).  I love being an important part of my kids life, watching them live, love, and experience life.  I love spending time them, and having the opportunity to give myself to them, to encourage them, and to teach them all the things I’ve learned.

Jaicey Elise (my 12 year old daughter), you are amazing, and growing into a beautiful young lady.  Since you were born, there has always been something special about you.  We always said when you walk into a room, the dynamic of the room changes, that room becomes yours.  God has a special anointing on you, just like the meaning of your name, you are “our blessing, and God’s promise.”

Jackson Eric (my 7 year old son), my first born son.  I will NEVER forget the feeling I had when the doctor said, “It’s a boy.”  I tell you all the time, “you remind me of me, when I was your age,” and I love that!  Your heart and ability to care for others continues to show us the wonderful leader you will be, just like the meaning of your name, you are “God’s gracious, and honest leader.”

Joshua Evan (my 3 year old son), wow!  The first of our kids to have “daddy’s eyes.”  Looking into your eyes is one of my favorite things.  The way you look into (not just at) my eyes, touches me deeply, and I cannot even explain.  You have a conquering spirit, and very early on you showed us that nothing will ever stop you, just like the meaning of your name, you are “God’s victorious warrior!”

Being a dad is the one of the toughest challenges you will face, right along with being a husband.  It will test you, challenge you, and humble you.  Like being a husband, the joy you get from being a dad, from being active and engaged in your kids’ lives has no equal.

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  • Moms 'N Charge How Should a Single Mother Honour Father's Day? - Moms 'N Charge
    June 3, 2016 at 12:55 AM

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