Motivational Monday: Be Your Own Cheerleader

Last night I did a popup Periscope broadcast (actually, most of mine are popups but that’s besides the point) about the importance of having a cheerleader and listening to that “still small voice. So it prompted me to write this and encourage you (yes, you) to be your own cheerleader!
God sent some Angels my way to confirm things that I already knew. I knew because I’ve written about these same things here, here and here, oh and here too. But like I shared on my Facebook page: “I may not listen the first time, and I may get comfortable and forget about important lessons learned. But when God sends the same messages He’s given me through other people, I listen. He sent two different angels to confirm things I already knew (and have blogged about on to remind me of a few things. I hadn’t planned on sharing tonight on Periscope but God told me not to be selfish and that those reminders were just as much for the people He put me here to serve as it was for me.”
Here is what I know, and what was made clear to me:

God will use other people (often your cheerleaders) to confirm the things you already know, or to reveal things about you that you didn’t know (or needed to be reminded of).

If you’ve heard and love the song Cheerleader by OMI, you probably love it as much as I do. But you probably don’t know the full story behind how this song came about (and how the original version was actually released 8 yrs prior). I had on my heart to share something eventually, but when I saw this video posted on FB by my friend and cheerleader Michelle of Her Power Hustle, I knew this was the confirmation I needed. The video below explains the full story…

How many of you have considered throwing in the towel (or already have) on something that you held close to your heart at one point or another?

Here are some notes I wrote down and what Michelle also shared when she posted to her Facebook page:

1. NEVER give up on your dreams

2. Surround yourself with people who will lift you higher (use discernment)

3. Surround yourself with people who randomly remind you of your greatness

4. If you ever feel like giving up, these same people are the ones who will push you because they believe in you more than you believe in yourself.

5. Relationships matter – yes even the romantic ones – when it comes to life and business (thanks Michelle)

And here were the affirmations that were given to me which again, I already knew but needed the reminder:

1. You are enough – no further accolades are needed

2. Believe for yourself what you believe for others

3. Perfection is the enemy of progress (don’t let all of your knowledge go unused)

4. Your purpose is not about you (be of service to others by using your gift)

The Story Behind The Hit Song “Cheerleader”I don’t usually share these kinds of things, but the story behind the hit song “Cheerleader” is amazing 🙂
Posted by Mitchell Wiggs on Monday, August 3, 2015

Pretty amazing right?!?!


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