Motivational Monday: Did You Know You Have the Power to Impact?

you have the power to impact

Big congratulations to Christine on her Outstanding Citizen of the Year Award for Charles County, MD; reminding us that we never know the impact we may have on our audience.


Most bloggers I’m sure, want to impact their audience one way or another. However, unless you get a ton of comments, you don’t really get to interact with your audience. That doesn’t mean that they’re not listening and being impacted by what you have to share though.

I believe the same applies to our everyday lives, you never know who’s watching, and who you have an impact on. Our lives are living testimonies believe it or not, and it doesn’t require a pulpit to speak loudly. As moms, we naturally want to be good examples to our children, but your impact is greater than that.


I want to encourage you this week to realize that your assignment, your purpose is bigger than you think. Whatever your talent or passion is, it merely becomes a gift once you give it away. I know people say that they don’t have a gift, limiting it’s definition to something tangible as drawing, writing, or photography. However, your ability to listen, be compassionate, defend or help someone in need are huge gifts you have to offer. Even a “simple” thing as being diligent and never giving up, is a gift that can encourage your “neighbor” not to give up.

Also Related: Motivational Monday: Don’t Give Up (The Best Is Yet To Come)

I will never forget when an acquaintance from church told me that she’d seen my commitment to coming to church, on the bus, with 2 kids, week after week; and that it was encouraging to her. Somebody else made the comment that I was so faithful. It literally didn’t even occur to me that a) someone was watching me arrive on the bus, and b) that that was considered being faithful. I just did what I felt I had to do. But it spoke to someone.


You may never find out how you’ve impacted a person. You may never get a plaque expressing your county’s appreciation. But be assured that at the very least, your children are watching and taking note. The saying “do as I say not as I do” simply doesn’t work with kids cause they’ll inevitably, 9 times out of 10, do what you do. So never give up and let your life speak love, hope, and faith.

Be blessed!

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  • Michelle
    December 19, 2016 at 12:35 PM

    Thank you for this encouraging word!

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