Take Charge and FLY: Top 10 Tips to Reignite, Rediscover & Reconnect With Yourself TIP #9

I am back with #9 in my countdown. If you missed #10 and what this countdown is all about, be sure to click here. In these next several blog posts, I’ll be covering the most common subjects that seem to come up most when discussed amongst my mommy friends and groups. Have you ever felt like you’ve lost yourself in motherhood? I definitely have. But it feels great to be on the other side of that fence.

To RECAP: Since these are topics that I cover in my Dare to FLY workshop, I thought I’d use this opportunity to do a FLY countdown to my next event on Saturday July 13th. So for the next several weeks, I’m going to be counting down the Top 10 Tips to Reignite, Rediscover & Reconnect With Yourself (in Motherhood), and why more moms need to take the Dare to FLY. What is this FLY business? It’s all about learning how to First Love Yourself.

Girl sunbathingTIP #9: Set Boundaries.

This sounds pretty simple and straight forward right? But seriously, what does it really mean to set boundaries? In this case, I’m referring to what you commit yourself to when it comes to your family and friends. I come from a fairly large family (I’m one of 7 and have 9 nieces and nephews), and have been blessed with an abundance of dynamic friends in my life.

The problem? There is always something going on. Always. If it’s not a birthday party, it’s a baby shower. If it’s not a baby shower, it’s a wedding, a graduation or just a plain ol’ gathering of some sort. I used to always feel obligated to attend everything and anything when it came to someone in my family or any of my close friends. But when you start having kids, things can get a little tricky. It takes longer to get out of the door. It takes a lot more energy to entertain children while you’re at a function. And when you have to drive an hour one way to get to where you need to get to, it’s draining (especially for people like me that really don’t care to drive).

So although I don’t love my friends or family any less, I do love myself a lot more. I love myself enough to know when I need a break. I love myself enough to know when I’m too tired to get my three young kids out the door. And I love myself enough to understand that I have my own family now, and they are my priority. Once I realized all of this, there was a freedom that came over me and a weight that was lifed off of me.

While I strive to make as many family functions as possible, I no longer break my neck to attend everything (although to some people it may look like I might lol). Instead, I set boundaries for myself so that I can serve from my overflow.

Take five minutes today to write out your priorities when it comes to your family and friends (which can include your church family/friends). Are there some things that you can let go of or do less frequently? Can you limit the number of events you attend monthly?

If you want more in depth tips on how you can learn to set boundaries with your family and friends, come out and join me at my next workshop on July 13th. At Dare to FLY, you will be connected to other powerful moms who are ready to take that first step with you. Be sure to mark your calendar, and register TODAY by clicking on the image below.

**UPDATE: Follow these links to see the rest of the tips in my countdown**

Tip #10: Communicate

Tip #9: Set boundaries

Tip #8: Set boundaries (yup, this one is really important)

Tip #7: Put YOU (back) on your calendar

Tip #6: Avoid being “other mothered”

Tip #5: Get frumpy out of your vocabulary and your wardrobe

Tip #4: Stop serving yourself leftovers.

BONUS: Register by June 29th and bring a mommy friend with you for FREE!!!

Do you struggle with setting boundaries with your family and/or friends? Share your challenge(s) below by leaving a comment. Be sure to share this post with your circle of moms who may need to learn how to FLY.


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  • Take Charge & FLY: Top 10 Tips to Reignite, Rediscover & Reconnect With Yourself – Tip #8 | Moms 'N Charge
    June 19, 2013 at 7:26 AM

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  • Top 10 Tips to Reignite, Rediscover & Reconnect With Yourself | Moms 'N Charge
    July 8, 2013 at 11:20 AM

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  • Ikemia Kim Arrington
    July 10, 2013 at 4:50 PM

    I have to learn to set boundaries for myself! I notice that I try to divide myself/time in at least three directions every weekend. Attending multiple events back to back to back as if I am on tour and finding myself burned out when it's time to do something for myself…gotta stop it!

    • Christine St.Vil
      July 23, 2013 at 4:30 PM

      Yes Kim…pleeeassseee put a stop to running in three different directions! I remember doing exactly that and have toned down a LOT, which has made a tremendous difference in my overall mental health.

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