I have to be honest with you in that I’m still going through my notes from the Act Like a Success Conference. And thank goodness I have access to the replays of the entire conference for a limited time because I’m still going back through and listening to many of these sessions and keynotes for a second and third time.
One of the sessions I really enjoyed was the keynote address by Paul C. Brunson. Prior to the conference, I was very familiar with Paul and his work. I first started following him on social media shortly before I did an interview with he and his wife, Jill for BlackAndMarriedWithKids.com. I got to break the news that they were expecting their second son, Liam. What I loved about Paul was the relationship he shared with his wife (and writes about on his blog) and his family. I also became a big fan of his Mentor Monday series. If you’ve never watched and you’re an entrepreneur, or looking to become one, you should get on board like now.
There’s a lot more about Paul I could write about, but that wasn’t the purpose of this post. However, you can find out all you need to know on his site PaulCBrunson.com.
What I do want to share with you are the 5 Billonaire (yes with a “B”) Success Habits that Paul shared with us during his keynote address at the conference. He had me at billionaire, but these secrets made achieving this goal, that much more attainable. He shared his experience of learning these secrets which started in 2001 when he was hired to work for a Turkish billionaire Enver Yucel, whom he worked for five years. He then later had the opportunity to work with Oprah Winfrey (yes, Auntie O). It was in working with her, that he realized these two billionaires, as different as night and day, ying and yang, shared the same exact habits.
In this post, Paul shared 20 habits. But here are the 5 Successful Key Habits of Billionaires you should know and adapt, that he shared at the conference:
1. You must become a master storyteller.
This is something that I would love to learn because I’ve witnessed (and sure you have too) the power of what a story can do. And Paul, is definitely a master storyteller. He said forget about being a CEO. We have to become the CTO – Chief Talking Officer. Our brains are programmed for stories which is why we’re so drawn to them, and why they have such a huge impact on us. So the key is to become masterful in the knowledge in which you want to speak about. And then you have to go out and practice!
He used the example of how his webshow got discovered on YouTube by OWN, not because he had thousands of views or followers (he actually only had about a dozen views), but because he was great at storytelling. It’s about the quality not the quantity.
He gave two great resources:
Gary Vaynerchuck – Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World (how to digitally navigate to tell your story).
John Truby – The Anatomy of Story: 22 Steps to Becoming a Master Storyteller
2. You must invest in yourself.
One thing that Paul mentioned was the fact that both billionaires never have any problem investing in themselves.
“The dividends you receive tomorrow is only based on the education you receive today”.
Resource: Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future (how to assess what to focus on)
3. Surround yourself with people who are better than you.
Get with people who are where you want to be, not who are where you already are. The opportunities that come in life, come from people you know: focus on making those strong connections.
Ask yourself a few questions:
Who do you spend most of your time with? Are they inspiring? Do they have a track record of success? Who do you aspire to be like? If you answer no to any of these questions, it’s time to remove those people.
Don’t allow mediocre people to exist in your life. The higher our standards, the higher quality of life we will have.
Resource: The 5 Friend Assessment (how to “unfriend” a friend – how to talk to them and let them know “this is not going to work out”)
4. Never eat alone.
Always look to meet new people. You want to always have people you’re talking to that will share new ideas.
“The news of yesterday can only be found in blogs and newspapers today. But the news of tomorrow can only be found in the minds of people” ~Paul C. Brunson
The influence we have within our community is solely based on the ability to make connections outside of our community.
Resource: Have a +1 or +2 parties (from Harvard Biz review): Go to an old friend you haven’t seen in years and invite them out to drinks. Bring one new friend they don’t know (or two), and ask them to do the same.
The key to successful networking is to give, give, give before you ever make the first ask. Stop trying to make an ask before you ever give anything of value.
5. Be great at one thing.
Use the same core skills to reach new heights, once you master where you are. Grow your enterprise with one thing at a time by staying laser focused. Billionaires focus on one thing if you’re looking to be world-class.
Resource: The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses (you want to get lean/focused on your craft where you can be top in the world).
BONUS habit: Keep believing
Belief is everything. You must believe in yourself. You will live or die based on your belief. Your business will succeed or fail based on your belief. No matter what, always believe.
Comment below and let us know which habit you’ll begin working on today to get to where you want to be tomorrow.
*This post contains affiliate links.
March 30, 2015 at 8:48 AMThese are really great tips. I definitely need to work on the “never eat alone” one because for the most part, I am somewhat of a loner.
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Christine St.Vil
March 30, 2015 at 5:33 PMAww Jaye, yes don’t be a loner 🙂 It’s definitely great to have your own alone time. But I can definitely attest to the key point about the best opportunities we receive coming from people we already know or have a connection with.
Michellette "MimiCuteLips" Green
March 30, 2015 at 2:30 PMI am making a note of these habits for sure. Billionaire is a title I would happily take on. I like the idea of always talking to people. Life has a fun way of making this happen for me. Thanks for sharing such great stuff.

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Christine St.Vil
March 30, 2015 at 5:31 PMGirl, yes definitely want to strive to get to billionaire status, one million at a time 🙂 I really liked the +1 or +2 parties and never eating alone ideas. I never thought about that, although I tend to do some of it to a certain extent naturally.
Crystal Starkes
March 30, 2015 at 2:47 PMThose are some really great habits! I think the most important is believing in yourself because if you don’t then you will never make it to your goal!

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Christine St.Vil
March 30, 2015 at 5:29 PMThat is so key Crystal and I have to agree. It’s great to practice all these things but if you don’t believe it can happen for you, then it won’t.
Emerald Lavender
March 30, 2015 at 4:57 PMThis is priceless advice! I’m going to jot these down (or try to print it out..lol) because these are tips that keep you fresh and open to new opportunities! 🙂

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Christine St.Vil
March 30, 2015 at 5:27 PMLOL I agree Emerald. Of course this post didn’t do the live version justice, but I definitely had to share as much as I could.
Siobhan (BeFree Project)
March 30, 2015 at 6:33 PMThis post is EVERYTHING! Thank you for sharing the tips and resources. I especially like the habits be a master storyteller and keep believing. Currently I’m reading Talk Like Ted (9 public speaking secrets of the worlds top minds) and master storytelling is on of the speaking secrets. I’m writing down these habits to make sure I’m on pace to make my billions. 🙂
Christine St.Vil
April 2, 2015 at 2:47 PMSo glad you found the post helpful Siobhan! And thanks for the book recommendation, will definitely check it out 🙂
March 31, 2015 at 6:23 PMI love Paul, too. Thanks for sharing this advice. I can definitely say that Number 3 has done wonders for me both professionally and personally. Thanks 🙂

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Christine St.Vil
April 2, 2015 at 9:55 AMMy pleasure Ariel! Can you imagine if we applied all of these habits? 😉
March 31, 2015 at 9:10 PMInvesting in yourself is a big one! I live by it, and adopting that mentality has helped me in many ways, thank you for sharing!
Christine St.Vil
April 2, 2015 at 9:57 AMI agree Nancy! So many people underestimate the value of investing in yourself.
Cheryl Montague
April 1, 2015 at 11:35 AMChristine thanks for the recap. I am still looking at the replays as well. I would love to get to Billionaire status. What I will start working on today is Believing in myself. Many days I waiver but in my core I know what is possible. The other thing I will do is to continue to invest in myself. So this was the reminder I needed to register for Lisa Nichol’s Speak & Write to Make Millions Conference, Live Stream so that I can become a Masterful Storyteller.
PS We have to get you on Fox5DC Morning Show with Allison Seymour
April 1, 2015 at 8:24 PMSo many truths right here. Believe in yourself is number one for me and then surround yourself with people bigger than you. Totally agree. I have my own personal one I stand firm on: Reach back as you are climbing and help someone while you are on your way to the top.

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April 3, 2015 at 1:57 PMSo love this post Christine! I have to save it and refer back a few times. I need to invest more into learning and mastering my craft and determining where Im going. These resources will help.

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May 22, 2015 at 12:49 AM[…] Also related: 5 Successful Key Habits of Billionaires […]
May 22, 2015 at 4:14 PMI absolutely love this! Great tips from an extraordinary person! I am going to look into this guy some more, I am ashamed to say I have not heard of him.

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Christine St.Vil
May 24, 2015 at 7:22 PMHa! Don’t feel bad Olivia. He’s just getting started with all the amazing work he’s doing 🙂
Carin Kilby Clark
May 24, 2015 at 4:30 PMNumber 3 can be so difficult… because as you grow and your circle changes there are those that you may have to leave behind… I still struggle with that… but, I see the incredible difference it makes in my life when I have the right people around me.

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