Motivational Monday: #TeamNoSleep and #NoDaysOff can kill you

#TeamNoSleep and #NoDaysOff

It’s Memorial Day and I hope everyone is taking the time out to relax and enjoy the company of family and friends. Often times we are so caught up with the hustle, and #TeamNoSleep are hashtags somehow associated with being a go-getter. Same thing with the #NoDaysOff tag.

I’m here to let you know that it’s ok to sleep, and it’s also ok to take days off. I even read an article that said you can die if you go X-amount of days without sleep. I tried to find it but Google gave me it’s usual “MD-like” results that pretty much say you can die from everything, lol. My point however is, don’t let feelings of guilt or condemnation come over you for taking some time to yourself.

Also Related: Motivational Monday: Say NO to Mom Guilt

Moms N Charge® is all about feeling good without feeling guilty, and that applies to more than parenthood. It applies to entrepreneurship too. I understand the thought behind the quote “Today I will do what others won’t so tomorrow I can do what other can’t”. Trust, I get it. And even though the journey to success has its hills and valleys, it shouldn’t all be a valley that you end up despising.

Take the time and the moment to enjoy the present, enjoy your kids, and your loved ones. Let them know that though the grind may have you occupied a lot, the grind means nothing without them. Memorial Day is for us to keep fallen soldiers in remembrance, in contrast to Veterans Day which honors both the living and the fallen. But let’s make it a point to love on our loved ones while they’re here.

If the Lord Himself took a day to rest, there is something to be said about its importance. Don’t let the hype fool you. Besides, seeing how success is not a destination but a journey, it would be quite an unpleasant journey with #NoDaysOff.

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  • Christine @MomsNCharge
    May 30, 2016 at 3:05 PM

    Yasssss Violette!!!! I love this, it is spot on! I’ve learned overtime that we have to give ourselves grace. There is nothing sexy or successful about losing your health or even life to the idea of #teamnosleep and #nodaysoff. If you can’t take time to enjoy what you work hard for, then what’s the point?
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    • Violette Willis
      May 30, 2016 at 11:18 PM

      Exactly!! What’s the point if not for our loved ones, and like you said, take a minute to enjoy it all. Thanks for commenting *smile*

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