I’m so excited about today’s guest post from my good friend Tosh Patterson. Over the last almost two years, I’ve been making healthier eating choices for myself and my family. Once my husband became a vegan, it forced me to start figuring out other ways to make healthier, simpler foods because (for the most part), fast-food was out. Preparing easy, healthy and quick meals can definitely be done, even for busy moms like you!
So check out the recipe post below for Cilantro Shrimp. I will definitely be checking this one out myself. Be sure to check back every other week for another edition of “Tasty Thursdays” from Tosh.
The following post was written by Tosh Patterson (AKA the Chief Healthinista). Tosh Patterson is CEO of Be Well, Eat Well, Live Well, a company dedicated to helping busy women lead healthy lives and get S.K.I.N.N.Y. ®Tosh worked hard to climb the corporate ladder but left her health neglected along the way resulting in a 300 pound body. While on her healthy journey, Tosh began to inspire others towards wellness.Tosh is now known as The Healthinista, not because she’s a size 4, but because she lost 70 pounds and continues to strive forward. Her goal is to help women of all types snatch back their lives and win back their bodies.You can connect with Tosh on Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest. |
Hey Moms,
Don’t let being busy stop you from being healthy! Sure, you have lots of items on that ever growing to-do list. But let’s be real: you’ll always have lots of tasks and people needing your attention.
So instead of operating from the space of “I’m too busy to eat well, exercise, (you fill in the blank)” consider shifting into the space of “Right now I’m willing to make my wellbeing a priority.”
YOLO (you only live once) Mama…so eat right!
It drives me CRAZY to hear women who push their wellbeing to the bottom of a very long to-do list and settle for drive thru meals or cold, unimaginative crumbs from the kids’ plates.
Your body is the vessel that will usher through this life. Your body is the vessel that will serve all the people you love.
…So stop filling yourself with junk!
Your body deserves to be nurtured.
Your body deserves simple yet deliciously fueled meals.
You and your body deserves to be priority #1 everyday, no matter what!
Start eating well with this tasty recipe. Cilantro Shrimp is one of my personal favorites because it’s a low calorie meal packed with flavor!
If you like this article & recipe, you should definitely plan on joining Tosh for her upcmoing webinar:
Have you set your INTENTIONAL goals for 2014?
You know…goals like:
- Eating healthier.
- Making it to the gym.
- Losing weight: baby weight, breakup weight, love weight, etc.
- Taking a “me” day once a month.
- Running a marathon.
- Spending more time with loved ones.
And more importantly,
If not, join Tosh Patterson for a SPECIAL webinar.
I know Tosh and she promises this will be your opportunity to walk away with concrete steps and strategies to move forward with a 2014 that produces RESULTS, both on and off the scale. 2014 can be YOUR year!
You should attend this webinar if:
-Your weight loss goal has NOT been accomplished.
-You have the desire to be healthy but lack motivation.
-You are looking for a mentor to help you lose weight.
-You are frustrated seeing other people look good.
If this describes you, the webinar is right for you!
As a participant, you will receive:
– Downloadable Slides
– Downloadable Success Kit Planning Worksheets
– FREE Downloadable Playback
Coconut Cilantro Shrimp | Tosh Patterson
January 20, 2014 at 3:37 AM[…] Tasty Thursday: Healthy Coconut & Cilantro Shrimp | Moms 'N Charge says: January 2, 2014 at 7:03 am […]
Day 26 – Learn Something New: 31 Day FLY Mom Challenge | Moms 'N Charge
February 3, 2014 at 1:38 AM[…] few words in a new language (Madame Google anyone?), or trying out a new recipe. We’ve got a few great ones right here on this […]
Moms 'N Charge [Be Well Experience] How to Be Happy, Healthy, & Wealthy NOW! - Moms 'N Charge
January 14, 2015 at 12:09 PM[…] moms I’m super duper excited to join my friend Tosh Patterson (who served us some awesomely delicious & healthy recipes last year) for her Be Well Experience. But before I go into what this is all about, let me ask you […]