Play time is over. It’s a phrase I often use with my kids to signal when it’s time to go to bed. But now, it’s taken on a new meaning for me. Now when I say it, it forces me to look myself in the mirror and ask myself: have I been playing small or am I giving everything I have in everything I do? And sometimes I feel like I’m playing big, but those are small white lies I tell myself. In actuality, I’m doing things that keep me busy so that I feel like I’m getting work done. Can you relate?
This is why I’m SO excited about my friend Cheryl Wood‘s new radio show, Play Time Is Over with Cheryl Wood, which will air every Tuesday from 2pm-3pm EST directly after the Olivia Fox Show! And it starts today Tuesday, April 1, 2014. I asked Cheryl what made her decide to start the show, and here is what she had to say:
“The show is important to me because it stretches me to do something uncomfortable which means I can only grow from it. Not to mention, my goal is to inspire people globally, not just locally, so this was the perfect platform since it airs in 110 countries around the world.”
I’m always drawn to people who stretch themselves because they motivate and encourage me to dig deeper and play bigger. And ever since I started my own mompreneur journey, and have followed Cheryl, that’s exactly what she does! From Create your own sizzle, to play time is over, this lady inspires me to action!
This radio show is a dynamic opportunity for Cheryl to literally share her message of empowerment on a global basis! The great part is that you can WATCH & LISTEN to the show from any computer, iPad, iPhone, mobile or Android device. Say what?! I love it and can’t wait to tune in!
But guess what? Cheryl has also asked me to be a guest on her show, so I’ll be joining her next Tuesday April 8th! Any time I have to spend with the Sizzle Queen herself is an honor and a good time! So I’m excited to be joining her in the studio next week.
Tune in today, Tuesday, April 1st to hear her dynamic interview with three amazing ladies who live by the motto “Play Time Is Over”: Jennifer Jones, Chair of the Prince George’s County Commission for Women; Chere “Stress Manager” Cofield, Speaker and Wellness Expert; and Jayana Wood, 10-year old speaker and author (seriously, she’s amazing and just happens to be Cheryl’s daughter).
Click here to tune in live.
What motivates you to stop playing and get into action?
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