I’ve made it y’all!!! I decided to start transitioning from relaxers in September 2011. I didn’t want to do the big chop even though my hair was already cut in a short hairstyle. After six months of transitioning, I had a #washfail that left my hair a knotted & matted mess. I had no choice but to chop it ALL off. It was late at night and I did it in my bathroom…and then cried about it cause I absolutely hated it. LOL I wore a head wrap and wanted to immediately get my hair braided before I went out “in public”. But my husband was so supportive and told me he liked it and that it looked nice on me. I still didn’t like it, but it helped. I’ve worn bangs pretty much all of my life, so this was a very drastic change for me. But my big chop changed more than my appearance on the outside, it improved my overall self-confidence in general.
One year later, and I’m wondering why in the world I waited so long?! I absolutely LOVE my natural hair, and am still figuring out what styles and products work best for me. I’m somewhat of a product junkie, but compared to some other naturalistas I see, I think I fair on average. 😉
So here are some pictures from my transition days, to my big chop and throughout my year of natural curls. My go-to hairstyle of choice while I was transitioning was bantu-knot outs and flexi rods. 🙂
And here are just a few more fun ones that I’ve taken over the last year.
P.S. This is the only time I would post this many pictures of myself. LOL But it was fun to look back to when I first cut my hair off.
Have you gone through the transition/natural process? How was your experience? If not, have you ever considered making the transition to “go natural”?
Heather H.
March 24, 2013 at 5:49 PMI don’t think I can give up my relaxer, but I commend you for embracing your natural beauty. Gorgeous! I am however always looking for ways to care for my daughter’s locks with natural and organic products. My mom didn’t perm my hair until maybe middle school, so I’m hoping to do the same until she’s old enough to make her own decision about her hair:)
Christine St.Vil
March 25, 2013 at 10:42 PMIt’s definitely not for everyone Heather and I was in that same boat as I had never planned on going natural. So you definitely have to do what’s best for you and your daughter. For me, it was just a matter of becoming more aware of harmful ingredients in both foods and products I was using regularly.
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