We are just days away from Christmas! Can you believe it??? As a mom, we will always be naturally inclined to give our children the world regardless of what it is (even if that means going into debt to do so). And when we can’t, we automatically feel guilty. We always want to provide the best that we possibly can for them. We want to give them everything their hearts desire, especially if it’s something we didn’t have growing up as a child. So naturally, it’s easy to get wrapped up (pun intended) in gift giving during the holiday season.
There is nothing like seeing the joy of surprise and excitement on my children’s faces when they see their gifts under the tree, and when they rip open the boxes to get those toys out so they can play with them…at least for the first 10, maybe 20 minutes. What I’ve learned over the last six years in motherhood is that my kids could care less about how many toys and gifts they get under the Christmas tree. They are just as happy with the one good gift as with several small gifts. They are easy to please when they are young, so why not keep it simple? I love the magic of the holiday season, but I also want my kids to understand that there is way more to celebrate during Christmas than any gift that money can buy.
On last week’s Mamas Mashup twitter chat, The Style Medic gave great advice. She said they implement a 4 gift rule: something they want, something they need, something they wear and something they read. Easy peasy.
That’s why I love this guest post that was sent in to me by my good friend and colleague Nicole. Check out her simple tips below to Christmas gift giving without the mommy guilt.
The following post was written by Nicole Walker. Nicole is a working mother of 2 toddlers residing in Chicago, IL. In her spare time (or what used to resemble it), she enjoys entertaining, knitting, reading, and being outdoors. She loves being a mom and is committed on how to strike balance between Mommy, Wife, and Me! She is passionate about reclaiming her social life and helping other moms do the same. You can connect with Nicole at MomMe Maven. |
The holidays are my favorite time of year. I have fond memories of Christmas as a child. From baking cookies for Santa Claus to being greeted every Christmas morning with a living room overflowing with new outfits and toys. Today as a Mom, I want to create those same memories for my children. However, I am choosing to practice restraint in the gift-giving department. Restraint in how much I spend and not in the thoughtfulness or creativity of their gifts. Here are some tips to ensure you create the memory without creating debt:
Tip #1: Pick one big list item
What is the one toy that your child has been enamored with all year? Or if they are too young, what is one “milestone” toy that you think your toddler would enjoy. For example, when my daughter turned 2, I bought her her first play kitchen.
Tip #2: Just say “No”
No matter what the deal, big or small, don’t succumb to impulse purchases that will definitely add up over time.
Tip #3: Practice generosity
If holidays just don’t feel the same without being surrounded by a lot of gifts, adopt a family or a child and let them benefit from your generosity.
Not going overboard from Christmas does not make you less than a parent; it shows fiscal responsibility and creates an opportunity to teach your kids what the holiday season is really about. There is no room for mommy guilt. Be it 1 gift or 10 gifts we are perfectly imperfect moms that our kids love unconditionally. Enjoy the holidays!
What guilt-free gift giving tips do you have when it comes to your children?
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