Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, or moved to an undisclosed location in outer space, you are well aware that yesterday was Election Day 2012, and that just a few short hours ago, the news came in that President Barack Obama was re-elected for another four year term. I don’t know about you, but I’m just happy that I won’t have to hear 2,000 commercial and radio ads anymore about who’s policy is better, and whether you should vote “yes” or “no” for this question or that question. Whether you voted for the first, third or fifteenth time, you know how important these elections are. For some people, it’s the sheer chance to exercise their right. For others, it means embracing something that was fought for by their ancestors. Whatever the reason, people from all walks of life, got out to the polls…some standing in line for several HOURS in order to cast their ballot.
There are so many reasons why I voted. I voted because not voting was NOT an option, simply because I have to set the example for my children. I voted because I want them to understand that they have to take advantage of every opportunity to create a better future for themselves and for their future kids. I voted because as a first generation American, I take great pride in exercising my right to vote. I voted because I know that change has to start with me: if I want to help shape the future of my children for generations to come, I have to start by making my own voice heard.
So my question that I put out there in the social media world was: Why did YOU cast your vote? And here is what some folks had to say…
Jasmine C. says: I voted because of what I believe in. And what I want for me and my country matters. I matter.
Rani R-K says: I voted today because it’s a right that I’ve been given by the hundreds of women that paved the way before me. So many people forget that not so long ago, women couldn’t vote, couldn’t voice their opinion, which is our civic liberty right. I was so proud to vote today. I couldn’t stop smiling. I look forward to taking my daughter.
Wayne B. says: We voted because there is no reason NOT to vote. I am an educated voter who studies all the facts and makes a rational decision based on those facts.
Marneda S says: I voted because I believe the President needs a chance to finish what he started. In addition, I am voting for healthcare. I know many people who are un-insurable and they deserve to have a chance to get insured. I also feel safer with Obama’s decision making when it comes to national security.
John B. says: I voted because there are those that couldn’t, as well as those that should’ve…I voted because I’m the difference.
Taheera E. says: I voted because it’s not only my right, but my responsibility. We have to be an active part in shaping our future.
Markus S. (first time voter) says: I chose to vote today because, even though Maryland is always going to end up going Dem., it was a priority for me to make a statement in that I have my own views, and that not all young black men are “too lazy,” or “don’t care” about voting. It’s important that we get our minority youth to get out and vote because the legislation the lawmakers pass is going to affect us just as much or more than than the older generations that make up the vast majority of the voting population.
Mary K says: I voted in this election (and every election) simply because it is my right to.
Andrea S. says: I voted because I want my voice to be heard and I want to show my son that he has a voice too. Our ancestors and older family suffered for this right and I can’t sit idly by and allow this privilege to be wasted!
Natassja M. says: I voted for my job in the federal government that was made as a result of healthcare reform, also known as the affordable care act!
Yvonne A. says: Voting to me was inevitable. Not only is voting a civic duty and an exercise of our rights to choose a candidate that most aligns with our values, but it’s such a privilege that from a historical standpoint, was fought long and hard for us to do. I believe that candidates’ policies and stance cannot sum up 100% of an individual’s values, but it is still IMPERATIVE to vote!! In this particular election, one of the key things that swayed my vote heavily had a lot to do with character and integrity. I was more confident voting for the candidate that had a consistent display of those characteristics. I was able to vote early in the state of MD and I felt nothing but a sense of pride that my voice would make a difference as an American :).
Allison P. says: I voted for my son’s future; to honor those who fought and died for my right to vote as a woman; for those who fought for my Freedom to love whoever I choose and have a biracial child; to honor those who fought and died for the rights and freedoms of those people closest to my heart who only two generations ago weren’t even considered citizens; and especially now to ensure that I elect someone who will PROTECT the rights and Freedoms we have today instead of trying to erase them. I voted for the belief that the Freedoms in the Constitution are real, and are not to be interpreted to only apply to a select portion of our nation, but to ALL of our citizens regardless of race, gender, religion, socioeconomic status, or sexual preference!!!!
Krystal B-L. says: There is a huge sense of pride in me today; standing in line, seeing people of every different background and age. I am especially proud of the 1st time voters (my dad finally registered last election after about 25 years of citizenship. I’m proud of you too mi vida 😉 ). I have a few coworkers that refuse to vote, making excuses as to why. So many can’t vote for one reason or another. But ultimately, they are the reason why I vote. We have this right, why wouldn’t you vote? Congrats to all those that made their voice heard!
So why did YOU cast your vote?
Regardless of your political affiliation, I hope you got out and let YOUR voice be heard! You don’t really have a right to complain if you didn’t take the time to take those first important steps. Let’s remember to pray for all of those who lead our country, and especially for our President, Barack Obama as he leads our nation through another four years. We also need to remember that he can’t do it on his own. So regardless of our own beliefs, we need to come together as one nation to fight for the America that we all love, and the America that we want our children and grandchildren to love and be proud of.
T. Espi
November 7, 2012 at 3:11 PMWonderful to see so many passionate voters. I was especially excited to see the enthusiasm of the first time voters. Awesome!
Janeane Davis
November 7, 2012 at 3:23 PMI voted because I am a grown up and grown ups show up and handle their responsibilities. I voted because I believe those who don’t have no right to complain about anything because they did nothing to influence choices made on their behalf. I voted because my children expect it. My little twin did not want Mitt Romney to get rid of Elmo and PBS so she expected it. I voted because it is habit.
David Jones
November 15, 2012 at 6:50 AMROCK THAT VOTE !!!
Christine St.Vil
November 15, 2012 at 7:23 AMYes indeed David! I hope you did the same 😉