Unplugging: How you can actually have time to “go dark”


It’s been quite a week since last. Last Monday was Independence Day, but the day’s that followed certainly didn’t feel like our community had liberty of any kind. I know people unplugged from social media cause it was just all too much.


Unplugging and finding your focus is not only recommend but good for you to do regardless of the circumstances. We’re constantly bombarded with information and “noise” that silence can become uncomfortable.

I once tried an exercise with a group of people to just be silent for one minute, and those 60 seconds felt like 30 minutes. Seriously. Give it a try! Get an egg timer or your phone and set it for 60 seconds. The thoughts that come to you can be hilarious, but it’s crazy how we don’t shut off. Constantly thinking, worrying, or planning something.

A Huffington Post article talks about how Shabbat-observing Jews unplug completely and “go dark” during their Sabbath form sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday. Oh whatever would you do if you can’t Snapchat your Saturday shenanigans? I mean, Instagram has to know what you ate for dinner Friday night, right?


As a blogger I’m told to post on Instagram minimum twice a day, Facebook, and of course Twitter minimum 5 times. It can get overwhelming if you let it. The one thing that can help is planning and scheduling posts, updates, and statuses. As much as you can, don’t do it in real-time which allows you to have more free “down” time to actually unplug.

Whether you’re unplugging for a 24 hours, 4 hours, or 4 minutes take that time to pray, reflect, and BE. Be grateful, be at peace, and be still. Though life is trying to stress you out, find the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. For it will guard your heart and your mind in Christ. (Phil 4:7)

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