Road to Resiliency: How I Turn my Pain to Power #ResilientVoices

This post is part of Resilient Film Blog Tour which I am thrilled to be a part of, which also kicks off Sexual Assault Awareness Month. To learn more and to join us as we tell the world just how resilient we really are, which I wrote all about in my book 

What does it mean to be resilient? The road to resiliency for many can be a long one. As defined through my search on Madame Google:

Resiliency is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress — such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems or workplace and financial stressors. It means “bouncing back” from difficult experiences.

Adapting well in the face of adversity. If you’re a human, you’ve undoubtedly faced some type of adversity in your lifetime. Some people were born with it, or learned to be resilient growing up. When I think about being resilient, I think about being fearless. I think about the ability to push through even when you don’t want to. I also think about the ability to be able to turn your past pain into power.

When I first heard about Aprille Frank’s Unbroken Resilience, I immediately knew I wanted and needed to be a part of it. The level of resiliency one must have in order to put together not only just a film but also a crowdfunding campaign to share such a power story of resilience is incredible.

I don’t think I’ve always considered myself resilient. But when I think about the different situations and circumstances that have made me the woman I am today, I can only thank God for allowing me to push through. Like they say: you can’t have a testimony without a test. And if you think about it, any really good book or movie you’re drawn to has its own story of resilience.

When I experienced sexual assault in high school (which I wrote all about in my book), never in a million years, did I think God would use me to help heal others. Before I shared my story in my book, the only person that knew was my husband. Sharing with him years ago when we were still dating helped me to heal and to start the process of releasing any trust issues that I was having. I remember struggling with the decision on whether or not to share this particular story in my book. The moment I stopped struggling and started trusting the process, God allowed me to write the chapter in a short amount of time. The biggest blessing is that once the book was published, I received a message on Twitter from a dear friend of mine thanking me for sharing my story. Because I shared my story, for the first time in her own life, she was finally able to forgive herself for the same assault that had happened to her.

The moment I stopped struggling and started trusting the process, God allowed me to write the chapter in a short amount of time. The biggest blessing is that once the book was published, I received a message on Twitter from a dear friend of mine thanking me for sharing my story. Because I shared my story, for the first time in her own life, she was finally able to forgive herself for the same assault that had happened to her. I don’t know if anyone else in particular related to that story. But if she was the only one then it served its purpose. I was able to turn a past pain into power by sharing my story. And I’m so glad God used me to help heal and free someone else from their own pain.

Anytime I’ve been faced with some level of pain, especially in my adult life, I’ve had to turn to my faith in order to transform that pain into power. Leaving my job in 2011 without a “Plan B” was absolutely nothing but a leap of faith. I would’ve never found the courage to do a lot of the things I’m doing and sharing today, had I not gone through the pain leading up to me walking away from my corporate job. Everything I went through prepared me for where I am and who I am today, and for that, I am truly grateful.

Turning your pain to power requires a level of resiliency, and that’s exactly what Aprille Franks-Hunt has demonstrated in her film, Unbroken Resilience.

Aprille Franks-Hunt decided to create a powerful film about her personal story as a rape survivor in hopes to shed light on a personal topic that many are forced to suppress. She knows without a shadow of a doubt that this film has the power to change how women view themselves all over the world. We will not stand down – our voices will be heard! You can support the film here.


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