As the first month of the new year is drawing to a close, how are you feeling? Are you like “oh no…already?” Or more like “All good, I got this, this, and that” accomplished”? If you find yourself in the former category, you might want to consider switching it up for February.
The funny thing about time is that it waits for no one. No one. It’s going, whether you like it or not, so we just have to make (not find) a way to make time work for us. I sometimes like watching planner videos on YouTube, and these ladies make a Filofax into a work of art with stickers and pictures galore. When they’re done it looks pretty neat, however, it’s also rather time-consuming. Now I don’t think that a planner needs to be all prettied up to be useful, however, it needs to be USED to be useful.
Taking time to plan out your month is the safest bet you have to be that much closer to actually accomplishing some of your goals. Which also reminds me, you need to have monthly goals. Even if you only have one big goal for 2017. Let’s say lose 20 pounds, write a book, or go to Disney World. Break it down into smaller goals so it’s not just a lofty dream. Eating and buying healthier food choices, writing 100 words/day, saving $30/week, you get the picture. This planner, by the way, is great for that.
I personally hit some goals, missed others, and created and met new ones mid-month. And that’s ok. There’s progress. And that’s all you can ask. I found that I don’t have as much time for certain things that I used to hobby-wise, and that’s simply because I have to prioritize what it is I want to do. Looking at my goals tells me how to use my time. But because I don’t believe in all work and no play, there’s always time set aside for that.
So your assignment for tonight is to write out 3 things you want to accomplish in February, and then get to it. You can do this! #GetItDone2017
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Moms 'N Charge Moms: It's Time to Get a Little Selfish With This Benson Watch Giveaway #MyBensonWatch - Moms 'N Charge
January 30, 2017 at 3:08 AM[…] my girl and MNC Editor, Violette pointed out: time waits for no one. Time has no cares about whether or not you’re ready to do that […]