Go Get Your Blessing!

Today’s title is also the name of a song sung by the gospel duo Mary Mary. This song popped up on my Spotify (similar to the internet radio provider Pandora) yesterday morning and it being Pentecost Sunday, I definitely found it timely.

Pentecost, as you may know, is when Holy Spirit descended on God’s people. The gift of Holy Spirit is one of many gifts that God has already given to you, all you have to do is receive it. Receiving it requires you to take action one way or another. Many times we pray for things to happen, not realizing that we too have a part to play in seeing that blessing come to fruition.

If you’re praying for your blog to take off, you actually have to blog; if you’re praying for a new job, you actually have to apply. I know sometimes we feel as if God hasn’t heard us, but He always hears. We may have prayed amiss, or the appointed time simply hasn’t occurred yet. Remember, God is never late, but always on time.

Also Related: Motivational Monday: Never Undermine Your Dream

So what blessing is it you’ve been waiting for? Also keep in mind that “faith without works (action) is dead,” so what action is it you’ve taken towards receiving that miracle? Tremble if you must, but MOVE. Like Christine says this all the time, do it afraid. That is how you’ll receive your blessing.

Another scripture in the bible says that “the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” Don’t take “NO” for an answer. If the blessing’s not coming from over ‘there’ then go get it over ‘here’.

I’m sure you know the failure rate of entrepreneurs is high, but guess what, it was high for those who made it too. The only thing that separated them from the rest is that they never gave up, they went out and got their blessing.

What action can you take the second half of this year to get your blessing?

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  • Moms 'N Charge Waiting for the Next Door in Your Life to Open - Moms 'N Charge
    September 26, 2016 at 1:31 AM

    […] Also Related: Motivational Monday: Go Get Your Blessing! […]

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