Past Inspiration
I have been blessed to have some amazing women in my life that have inspired me even after they are gone. Coming up as a young girl my grandmother, great grandmother, and my aunt that was married to my uncle were women that truly inspired me. The way they carried themselves and how they would protect and nurture those around them was just so amazing to me; they are the ones that inspired me to be my best self and they would never judge me. They loved me for who I was and that is so necessary when you’re a young woman.
Present Inspiration
Fast forward many years I am now a woman that has gone through some very hard and tough journeys and many times I have had to look outside my inner circle for inspiration. While going through one of my trials in life I was blessed to have a mentor that came into my life and completely changed my outlook and even my future; she inspired, motivated and encouraged me to love myself and want more for my children and also myself. She is truly awesome and is still a part of my life today; she is also one that inspired me to write and I truly thank her for that.
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Virtual Inspiration
While I have been blessed with inspirational women placed directly in my life; there are some women that inspire me today in a more virtual aspect and I would like you the reader to know them and maybe they can be an inspiration to you as well. If you are a Christian woman and loves the Lord and just need a sister that speaks His word and lives His word to guide you in your journey, then these amazing women are who you want to follow.
Lakeisha Dixon – aka, the “Breakthrough Strategist” will have you in tip-top shape in no time. She is a Christian and loves the Lord and isn’t afraid to share that with you as well as her testimony. More about Ms. Dixon here.
Carla R Cannon – aka, “The Trailblazer” will have you changing your life for the better and you will be leaving all the negative stuff behind. What drew me to Ms. Cannon as well as the other ladies that I share about is her love for God. More about “The Trailblazer” here.
Felecia L Hamilton – aka “The Silent Mogul” will get your business game tight! The first time I heard Ms. Hamilton on her Periscope felt like I could relate to much of what she was talking about. She has this persona about her that many women lack and I believe that’s what really pushed me to continue to listen to her. In business, so many people are scared that you are coming to take something from them, but “What God has for you, is for you” and nobody can take that from you. More about Ms. Hamilton here.
Your Inspiration
Ladies I urge you if you don’t have someone in your life that inspires you to do better, to be better, and to want better; find someone that you can relate to, someone you just feel that is speaking your language and you can relate to their struggles, mishaps and breakthroughs. Reach out to them, follow them on social media and start to let them speak into and through your life. If you can afford 1-on-1 coaching then that is even better as all the ladies I mentioned offer coaching as well.
What is your greatest source of inspiration?
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April 27, 2016 at 12:03 AM[…] Also Related: These Forms of Inspiration Can Lead To Breakthrough in Your Life […]