It’s time for another motivational Monday. I know it’s been a good minute, but I wasn’t feeling very motivated and was in desperate need for some motivation myself. Some say motivation (inspiration) is for amateurs because the rest simply get up and get to work. However, I’m not all too convinced about that. I mean, how can you give what you don’t have? Doesn’t a vessel need to be filled before it can serve?
Life Happens
Nonetheless, as much as life had and has been getting me down, it doesn’t stop. Life will forever happen and I’m learning to not use it as an excuse to pursue my dreams. I saw a post from Myleike Teele, CurlBox founder, not too long ago on social media, how she was excited about her then new home and the caption read that just 4 years prior she didn’t even have a bed. And Myleike doesn’t just live anywhere. She lives in a very upscale neighborhood of Atlanta. Point being, crying over your current circumstance, however justifiable, won’t change much. I don’t mean to sound harsh because truth be told, I’m talking to myself.
Finding Motivation
You may have seen our very own Christine scoping from #MegaFest17 in Dallas, and if you missed it, make sure to catch the replays on Periscope. It was definitely what I needed to get motivated. TD Jakes sure knows how to put on a conference that every member of the family will not only enjoy but LOVE. The nuggets and lessons I caught were many, and I wasn’t even physically there! Of the many, I want to share with you one here today, and that is that God’s already answered your prayer.
Also Related: Motivational Monday: It Will Get Hard, But Don’t Quit
You might be thinking “Huh? I’m pretty sure He hasn’t yet”. But here are two very important things I learned:
1) When God answers your prayer but it doesn’t look like like what you expected, you’re in danger of rejecting His blessing.
2) Realize what God has equipped YOU with instead of dreaming about what God gave somebody else.
We all have SOMETHING to work with. It may not be what you want, but the only way it will transform into what you’d envisioned is if you put in that work. I’ve heard pastors’ wives say nobody wanted their man when he was struggling and didn’t look quite as dapper. But 5 years later, all of a sudden he’s half the congregations dream. Likewise, there’s the story of the man whose beautiful garden was admired by his pastor. The man’s response to the pastor is “you should’ve seen the mess it was when God gave it to me”. Obviously you wouldn’t labor or work on a man the same way you would a garden. But the point is to recognize the blessing when God gives it, even if it doesn’t look like what you expected.
Speaking to the second point, know that Instagram can definitly be the little devil used causing you to count other people’s blessings other than your own. Been very guilty of this myself. I had to take a step back and actually “look” for what my answered prayer was. Had a conversation with God and point blank asked, “what is the blessing that I’m overlooking?” I knew I can’t afford to reject what He’s given me, so I NEEDED to know what it was. The answer came about a day later, and it was definitly a “duh” moment, lol.
If you’re left wondering and doubting if God has truly already answered your prayers, hear it from the man of God himself, TD Jakes. Listen to the replay, get your pen and paper out, and get ready to receive a new perspective.
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