Happy Sunday folks! As promised, I’ll be posting the challenge of the day right here on the blog for the 31 Day FLY Mom Challenge! We are only on day 5 so there’s plenty of time to catch up and join in on the self-care love. Yesterday’s challenge was to phone a girlfriend. One FLY mom on Instagram tagged me in a post that thanked me because she was able to have a great conversation with one of her good friends, and got a running buddy in the process for her first half marathon this year! I love it!
I got to do better than spend 31 minutes on the phone with a girlfriend. I got to spend the entire day with three great friends, one of whom was visiting from NY and baked some sweet treats for us. Laughter is such good medicine and we did a whole lot of that yesterday! What about you?
Today I’m challenging you to do a little more relaxing by doing a crossword puzzle or wordfind. You can do it the old fashion way, or you can turn to apps like Words with Friends and Sudoku. When you’re constantly on the go, sometimes it’s hard for your mind to fully relax and get settled. And this month is all about you. All about you finding time to relax and do things to take care of and pamper yourself. And because most moms find it hard to do so, that’s why I created this challenge. It’s just a small step in making sure you understand how important your overall well-being is.
So what crossword will you be working on today? Be sure to take a photo and tag me on FB or IG using #FLYMomChallenge.
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