I came across this photo on Facebook that said, “Daddy Keep Calm and Call Mommy” and of course I had a good chuckle. But I have to admit that the next thought to myself was, “I could use one that says: Mommy Keep Calm, Daddy’s Almost Home”. I know people may be tired of me gushing about my husband, but seriously, he’s amazing. It’s actually fitting that his birthday always falls on or around Mother’s Day because I get to share that with him. I’m so much better at motherhood because of the husband that stands beside and behind me. During the times that I’m too tired, too stressed or just overwhelmed, I know I have him to lean on. I know I can quietly say, “kids, go see daddy” and slowly retreat back to my room behind closed doors. I honestly can’t imagine how different things would be if I didn’t have Superdad helping out this Supermom. But if I had to guess, it might go something like this:
We’d live like hermits. The two things I misplace at least once a day are my keys or my cell phone. When it comes to my cell phone, it’s to the point I don’t even need to tell him I’ve lost it because he already knows. Just recently, I sat it down on a box and minutes later couldn’t remember where I’d put it. So I whispered to my son to ask if he saw my phone (so as not to alert the hubs), and even he immediately knew where it was and handed it to me (a shame).
If my husband’s keys are ever missing he always asks me first because nine times out of ten, I’ve stuck them in one of my ten purses instead of back on the key hook. Clearly, I’d always have a tank full of gas because I’d be too busy looking for my phone, or I’d never be able to find my keys in order to drive anywhere.
My kids would think real dishes were a foreign object. I dislike doing dishes. I really can’t pinpoint why that is, but I just don’t like it. At all. I’ll cook all day long and I’ll opt to fold five loads of laundry over dishes any day. So thank God for a hubby who doesn’t mind doing them because otherwise, we’d buy stock in all of Chinet’s paper products.
There’d probably be several quarantine’s going on throughout the house. I don’t do bugs. I hate bugs. That includes pretty much anything creepy crawly that shouldn’t be anywhere but outside of my house. So yes, I’m the one that screams and flees over the littlest spider, stink bug, bee, gecko, etc. I will run and get my husband or wake him up to kill a bug. I sure will. All I know is that I’ll be in hibernation when these supposed billions of cicadas invade the East Coast this Spring/Summer. I just can’t.
I’d be in therapy with a Poop Shrink (do they exist?). There are some things I just can’t bring myself to do, and cleaning poop out of underwear is one of them. It grosses me out so it’s much easier for me to just toss them during the potty training process. I’d probably be bankrupt by now with all the new underwear and clothes I’d have to buy for the kids. I almost always pawn the poopy messes off to my hubby. He laughs because he knows I can’t stand it, and thinks I need to seek some professional help.
I think I’m going to stop here and just count my blessings that I have my hubby to keep me on track and to keep me somewhat sane
How would your life as a mother change if you didn’t have your spouse, significant other or support system to help you?
June 7, 2013 at 8:53 PMI totally agree… where would I be without my husband I have no idea. I oftentimes give him a hard time when he has meetings after work but I don’t consistently acknowledge all the good he does do. He is soo hands on from diapering, to feeding, to even washing hair. I think I need to let him know how much I appreciate him a little more often!
Christine St.Vil
June 10, 2013 at 6:04 AMI agree Nicole! I make a conscious effort now to make sure I tell him how much I appreciate him and how blessed I am to have him. I’m so happy that you experience the same with your husband 🙂
It Takes A Village… To Have a “MommyBreak™” | gobesocialmom
June 11, 2013 at 5:58 PM[…] friend and successful Mommy Blogger, Christine St. Vil, recently published a post citing how much she appreciated her husband in helping to balance the many responsibilities being a […]