Mother’s Day was yesterday and all around the world mothers were celebrated and honored for all that they do. It is easy to recognize a mother’s sacrifice, cause just try leaving the house without having prepared everything in minute detail, and see how many phone calls you’ll get asking a million questions from ‘where’s my blue t-shirt?’ to ‘how do I soothe the baby?’ Lol.
Mother’s Day is that one day when it somehow makes it all worthwhile. You’re acknowledged! Many times that’s all you want, to be acknowledged for what you do on a daily basis. As a mompreneur however, that acknowledgment may not come as often as you’d like.
I know my husband has looked at me (with zero empathy) questioning what on earth I was doing up on the computer until 2am. Your 5-year-old may not appreciate that you can’t do XYZ at a certain time because you had to work on your business, which is when we need to let go of mom-guilt that you can read about here.
So to all the mothers who are hustling, knowing that you’re doing it for the betterment of your family, I want to acknowledge you for your sacrifice. Essentially taking on a third job (for those who work a 9-5 as well) juggling the hustle, with family, and also trying to keep your sanity is a tremendous and honorable endeavor.
I want to encourage you that it will pay off if you stay the course and don’t give up. Keep that end goal vision for you and your family, and even allow that vision to grow. Your kids may not be jumping for joy in the moment, but just wait until they find out Disney World is hooking y’all up with all the bells and whistles (as in Christine’s case). They’ll be real appreciative then, lol. So keep up the great work and “you will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours.” (Ps 128:2)
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