Treating your customers with respect is not hard to do when you view it from the standpoint of doing unto others as you would have them do to you. Imagine that you are the person wanting to buy your product or service, how would you like to be treated.
I watched an interaction taking place at an event I attended recently. This interaction was not good and had a negative effect on this person’s potential to attract new customers. The business owner’s content was good but it was their delivery that was lacking. This interaction affected me, (though I was only a bystander), that it really made me look at how I treat potential customers. Learning from the mistakes of others is a great self-development tool. Sometimes we look at our own actions as ok but if we were to look at it from the outside we would understand how sometimes our actions, words, or tone of voice can be a repellent instead of a magnet. Below are 3 tips on how to attract customers for a thriving business.
Tip #1: Be a Magnet Not a Repellent
Repellents repel or drive things away. I purchased some all natural bug repellent from Naturally Me And You. It is made with the Essential Oils that bugs and mosquitos do not like, so the bugs stay away from you. They don’t linger around you at all, they flee and flee quickly. Well, sometimes the tone that we use when we speak to our customers or potential customers can be a repellent. We may not be conscious that we are doing it but we are doing it all the same. It is important to check our tone of voice because we need customers to have a successful business… and lots of them.
Tip #2: Cheerleaders vs. Coaches
I look at Donald Trump and the things that he says that are appalling, but when I listen with my spiritual ear, I hear a man speaking that probably never received constructive criticism, or if he did he refused it.
Our cheerleaders are our “yes” people because they cheer us on and say wonderful things about us. However, we all need a person or two in our lives that will be our coach. A coach challenges you to do better and to be better. A coach will tell us when we are all wrong because they know we can do better. Basically they will let us know that our slip is showing. I look at Donald Trump and see a man that has only yes people around him. It appears from his outrageous behavior that people may be afraid to challenge him due to fear of being fired.
A coach, particularly one who’s worked in your field, can help you navigate your way in attractive customers that you may not have thought of. A coach makes learning the ropes that much less painful.
Tip #3: Take Time To Reflect
I’m hitting my pause button today so I can reflect on how I treat my family, customers, potential customers, and business partners. My husband, Torrance Shannon, is my coach because he doesn’t hesitate to challenge me. I have grown so much due to being challenged.
If you are not able to be objective about your behavior then ask someone that you trust to give you some feedback on how effective you are when relating to people. And be open to what they share with you. Only through reflection can you assess, and if needed, re-strategize.
What repels you from doing business with a certain company, industry or entrepreneur? Or on the flip side, what draws you to a certain business?
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