Women Entrepreneurs Rock Conference

One thing I absolutely have a passion for is fellow women entrepreneurs. It is so amazing to me to see other women who are rocking it out in their own way, but also not afriad to help others to do the same. So when Melisa Alaba first reached out to me to speak at the WE (Women Entrepreneurs) Rock Conference, I was absolutely elated! Unfortunately, the timing does not work in my favor, but trust and believe I am putting it in my calendar for 2015!

I really love what the WE Rock Conference is all about and wanted to share with you all, especially if you live in the Atlanta area. The founders of Women Entrepreneurs Rock are Melisa Alaba and Edeline Dryden. Edeline started the organization in 2011 as Women Rock. And in 2013, they formed a company together as Women Entrepreneurs Rock LLC. This started their partnership to expand the vision of helping women to establish their business on a solid foundation.

So I spent some time with Melisa to get the inside scoop on the conference and what this movement is about. Check out the interview below and be sure to visit WE Rock National for more information.

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How did you get started?

Melisa: After meeting Edeline Dryden at an event I shared my vision for Women Entrepreneurs with her. We soon found out that we had a similar goal and we joined forces in 2013 to bring that vision to life. Our partnership allowed us to grow Women Entrepreneurs Rock into a National Conference that gathered speakers and attendees from across the country.

What are the goals of Women Entrepreneurs Rock?

Melisa: Women Entrepreneurs Rock is committed to helping women with small businesses build their companies and grow. We offer workshops, tele-conferences, and an annual conference and summit. We are dedicated to helping women nationally start and grow sustainable businesses that provide economic freedom for them and their families.

What are the keys for effective collaboration?

Melisa: I believe that in order to have an effective collaboration you and your partner need to share the same vision and values for your business venture. You also need to have the ability to bring others in to offer services that contribute to your idea. Basically, you can not do it all and you need to have the idea that growth is a collaborative effort. Edeline and I are fortune to share the same values and we are always seeking opportunites to make our business better so we can serve women to the best of our abiliies. When women businesses grow we all grow.

Why should women come to the WE Rock Conference?

Melisa: Every conference is different. WE Rock is the premier place to learn strategies for growth, educate yourself on innovation and trends and meet collaborate partners to build your business. Women who come to our conferences walk away with tools and contacts to make their business come true. Each year we bring speakers from across the country who are building a business that thrives.  Our speakers share their secrets for success which impacts our audience greatly.

This year’s conference has an amazing lineup of speakers, from Jai Stone to Lamar & Ronnie Tyler, Judge Lauren Lake and more! Find out the full speaker line up and the conference agenda by visiting WERockNational.com.

Women entrepreneurs Rock conference

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