Take Charge & FLY: Top 10 Tips to Reignite, Rediscover & Reconnect With Yourself – Tip #4

I’m so excited because we are in the homestretch in my countdown to Dare to FLY of Top 10 Tips to Reignite, Rediscover & Reconnect With Yourself. Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been covering the most common subjects that seem to come up most when discussed amongst my mommy friends and groups. Have you ever felt like you’ve lost yourself in motherhood? I definitely have. But it feels great to be on the other side of that fence. The purpose of these tips is to give you some insight into my Dare to FLY workshop, which will be on Saturday July 13th. Do you know a mom that needs to take the Dare to FLY? What is this FLY business? It’s all about learning how to First Love Yourself. Let’s continue, shall we?

TIP #4: Stop serving yourself the leftovers.

So Tip #4 in my Top 10 countdown is all about leftovers. Leftovers are great when you’re talking about Thanksgiving dinner or the summer barbeque get together. But when it comes to motherhood, and the time we give to ourselves, leftovers are just not cool. Think about it: if you invited some friends over for dinner, would you serve them leftovers? But somehow we manage to do it to ourselves. If we always get fed with a half empty plate of leftovers, chances are, we’ll probably always be hungry…or annoyed, short-tempered and tired.

full plate + leftovers

So why do we think it’s okay to give everyone else everything we have — all of our time,  energy, attention — and then try to survive off of what’s left? That’s when we get burnt out, that’s when we get stressed out. Whew! I distinctly remember being that mean mom and wife that was always tired, frustrated and annoyed. Then I realized I was doing it to myself. So I love what Lisa Nichols teaches about serving from your overflow (which I discussed in great detail in this post I wrote sometime back). With this process of taking charge of my life, I learned that I needed to stop serving my own leftovers to myself. One way to do that was to simply start using the word no. It takes some practice (especially if you hate that word), but your sanity will thank you for it!

Have you been doing all the cooking and serving yourself the leftovers? What’s one step you can take today to ensure that you fill yourself up so you don’t wind up trying to fill up on leftovers?

For more details on how to stop serving yourself leftovers, be sure to come out and join me at my next workshop on July 13th. At Dare to FLY, you will be connected to other powerful moms who are ready to take that first step with you. Be sure to mark your calendar, and register TODAY by clicking on the image below.

If this tip is speaking to you, be sure to register and then share this post with your circle of moms who may need to learn how to FLY.

**UPDATE: Follow these links to see the rest of the tips in my countdown**

Tip #10: Communicate

Tip #9: Set boundaries

Tip #8: Set boundaries (yup, this one is really important)

Tip #7: Put YOU (back) on your calendar

Tip #6: Avoid being “other mothered”

Tip #5: Get frumpy out of your vocabulary and your wardrobe

BONUS: The deadline to register by June 29th and bring a mommy friend with you for FREE has ended. However, if you refer TWO friends who register by July 10th, then your registration will be FREE. I have 10 seats remaining for this first-come, first-serve offer!

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  • Take Charge and FLY: Top 10 Tips to Reignite, Rediscover & Reconnect With Yourself #9 | Moms 'N Charge
    July 8, 2013 at 11:21 AM

    […] Tip #4: Stop serving yourself leftovers. […]

  • Take Charge & FLY: Top 10 Tips to Reignite, Rediscover & Reconnect With Yourself - Tip #8 | Moms 'N Charge
    July 8, 2013 at 11:23 AM

    […] Tip #4: Stop serving yourself leftovers. […]

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