Wow! I feel like I haven’t blogged in a month, as it’s been nearly two weeks. If you receive my newsletter (which you should, but click here if you don’t), then you know I’ve been in Italy since June 22nd. Yes, I traveled to Rome, Tuscany and Florence with my Gospel Choir. It was an amazing experience in which I’ll blog separately about, and share just a few of the nearly 400 pictures I took in that timeframe. But I wanted to get back to my countdown as I’m so excited for all those who have already signed up for this workshop next week! If you haven’t signed up, it’s not too late, just click on the image below.
I am back with #7 in my countdown. If you missed tip #8 and what this countdown is all about, be sure to click here. In these next several days leading up to the workshop, I’ll be covering the most common subjects that seem to come up most when discussed amongst my mommy friends and groups. Have you ever felt like you’ve lost yourself in motherhood? I definitely have. But it feels great to be on the other side of that fence. These tips I share will give you some insight into my Dare to FLY workshop, which will be on Saturday July 13th. Do you know a mom that needs to take the Dare to FLY? What is this FLY business? It’s all about learning how to First Love Yourself.
Let’s continue, shall we?
TIP #7: Put YOU (back) on your calendar.
Before we have kids, we don’t even have to think about making time for ourselves to do the things we want to do. Naturally, when the babies come, the time we used to dedicate to ourselves vanishes in the blink of an eye. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in that little tiny new life you are now responsible for. They need you for everything, and when you’re nursing, it becomes even more of a challenge to sneak away.
You don’t have to wait until you’ve reached your breaking point before you decide that it’s time for you to put yourself back on your calendar (*raises hand*). You will be amazed at the wonders it can do for your overall mental health and well being. Just like batteries don’t last forever (they either have to be replaced or recharged), your ability to continue doing and being everything you need for your family will fade. You may also start to resent the very people that bring you the most joy. It doesn’t have to be an all day thing, but just make time for yourself a consistent factor in your daily routine. I started out by taking short trips to Target just to walk around. Sometimes I would just drive around and find a quiet parking lot to sit in, and maybe sneak some reading time in there. Start with 5 minutes if you have to. But the key is to start, and make it consistent.
Take five minutes today to go over your calendar/daily schedule. Do you have time scheduled to focus on YOU? If not, how can you adjust your schedule so you can add the most important item on your calendar — YOU?!
If you want more in depth tips on how you can learn to put yourself back on your calendar, come out and join me at my next workshop on July 13th. At Dare to FLY, you will be connected to other powerful moms who are ready to take that first step with you. Be sure to mark your calendar, and register TODAY by clicking on the image below.
**UPDATE: Follow these links to see the rest of the tips in my countdown**
Tip #10: Communicate
Tip #9: Set boundaries
Tip #8: Set boundaries (yup, this one is really important)
Tip #7: Put YOU (back) on your calendar
Tip #6: Avoid being “other mothered”
Tip #5: Get frumpy out of your vocabulary and your wardrobe
Tip #4: Stop serving yourself leftovers.
BONUS: The deadline to register by June 29th and bring a mommy friend with you for FREE has ended. However, if you refer TWO friends who register by July 10th, then your registration will be FREE. I have 10 seats remaining for this first-come, first-serve offer!
If this tip is speaking to you, be sure to register and then share this post with your circle of moms who may need to learn how to FLY.
Take Charge & FLY: Top 10 Tips to Reignite, Rediscover & Reconnect With Yourself - Tip #8 | Moms 'N Charge
July 8, 2013 at 11:22 AM[…] Join Me and @BlackAndMarried for the Twitter Viewing Party of #TheSoulMan 6/19 @ 10:30PM EST Take Charge and FLY: Top 10 Tips to Reignite, Rediscover & Reconnect With Yourself – TIP … […]
Take Charge and FLY: Top 10 Tips to Reignite, Rediscover & Reconnect With Yourself #9 | Moms 'N Charge
July 8, 2013 at 11:33 AM[…] Tip #7: Put YOU (back) on your calendar […]