Let me start this off by saying that there is real power in networking and relationship building. I would never have even had this opportunity to interview Sheree, had I not met her cousin nearly two years ago at a business seminar. I just read a quote yesterday on CALLED Magazine‘s FB page from Corrie ten Boom that read: “Every experience God gives us, every person He puts into our lives, is the perfect preparation for the future only He can see”. I am so excited to connect with Sheree and can tell that God has some great things on the horizon.
This Smart & Sassy Mom has so much great advice and outlook on life that I decided to split this interview up into two posts. So be sure to check back in with us tomorrow for Part 2!
Let’s begin, shall we?
C: Smart & Sassy Mom. I have to say that I loved that name when I first heard about it. I think my exact words were “Ohhh I love that!” (thanks to your cousin, Sharon Jarrett). I really felt like that described me as well, so I knew you were someone I wanted to connect with right away. So how did you come up with the name and how would you describe the mission of Smart & Sassy Mom?
SHEREE: Thanks Christine! I had a blog years ago, it was called th3rtysomething. It was the musings of life in my early 30s, newly married and a mom. It was light, airy and about current events, culture and lifestyle. One day, I decided that I wanted to do it again and thought about words to describe me and how I’ve evolved. It took me about two days to come up with it after using search engines to see if someone already had it. I also thought about moms period…Good moms are smart. We have to be! Running a family is like running a business. There’s a lot to be said about being a wife and mother and still finding time to love/be/take care of yourself. The sassy part is multi-focal. I’m witty. I’m clever. I eat and breathe sarcasm. I don’t believe that being a mom equals being frumpy or “let-go”. Most of all, sassy means keeping the spice meter on high in your marriage. My mission is to keep the modern mom informed about being and staying healthy while managing marriage and motherhood and 30 minute meals-while making it look easy!
C: Ha! Yes, we do make it look easy, don’t we? 🙂 I love how you define that! I also love, “Running a family is like running a business”. That is so very true and I never even thought of it like that. Can you tell our readers about your background?
SHEREE: I’m from Birmingham, AL, residing in New York. I’ve been married for 7 years to an awesome guy, I can truly call my friend and supporter. I’m a proud graduate of Tuskegee University and a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and Jack and Jill of America, Inc. I’m a registered nurse with a Master’s Degree in Management and I’m also Certified Case Manager. I’m a blessed WAHM (work-at-home mom) to three kids. I have a 12 year old son and two daughters, ages 5 years old and 10 months.
C: Wow!!! You definitely put the “Smart” in Smart & Sassy Mom. You are such an awesome role model, and I could probably ask you five more questions just based off of this response, but I’m trying to keep it to two posts and not five, so we’ll chat some more later. 🙂 I will be good and leave some questions for our readers. So, what drove you to start Smart & Sassy Mom?
SHEREE: Facebook and Twitter. Honestly, I kept liking pages and following people and the links always lead to me to interesting blogs. I remembered how good it felt to write and decided that I would just do it again, because I had a blog before during a different stage in my life. This time I had a different perspective and a lot more to say. I’m so happy I did because I have met so many wonderful people, like yourself. Not to mention all kinds of other guest blogging opportunities, compensations, speaking opportunities, bookings, interviews, etc. It’s been great!
C: That is absolutely wonderful and I can completely relate. I never had a blog before now, but Facebook and Twitter definitely played a major role in me wanting to start one. I’m still amazed at how much great content there is out there. So thank you for being part of my blog and sharing a part of you with all of us.
Tune in tomorrow for PART 2 with “Smart & Sassy Mom”, Sheree!
To find out more about Sheree and to connect with her in the world of social media, please visit her website and blog at www.smartandsassymom.com, “Like” her Facebook fan page, and follow her on Twitter @SmartNSassyMom.
If you know a Mom ‘N Charge that should be featured in Real Moms, Real Talk (or, if that person just happens to be you), please send an e-mail to christine @ momsncharge.com with the subject title “Guest Feature: Real Moms, Real Talk”. RMRT will be moving to a Blog Talk Radio station near you, so stay tuned!
Do you have questions for our featured Mom ‘N Charge, Sheree? She’d love to hear from you so post them here! And don’t forget to come back tomorrow for the rest of this inspiring interview.
Janeane Davis
August 29, 2012 at 2:54 PMAn interesting article about an interesting woman. I read her blog on a regular basis and share her ideas with my husband. I like her focus on keeping marriage spicy even after years and years have gone by!
T. Espi
August 30, 2012 at 2:16 PMOooh! I’m smart and sassy! *clicks on link* Great interview.
Christine St.Vil
August 31, 2012 at 4:42 AMYes indeed! Definitely click on that link (if you haven’t already). lol
ChicBusyMom & Essence Present: First Ever Mommy Meetup | Moms 'N Charge
May 29, 2013 at 12:01 PM[…] mom sometime back for my Real Moms, Real Talk series. If you missed it, you can check it out here. Although we’ve become friends and blogging buddies since we did this interview, we had never […]