Event Recap: Are You Struggling With Mom Guilt Around Self-Care?

277 (2)When you really think about it, what does self-care mean to you? For a lot of you, that feeling of mom guilt stirred up as soon as you read that first line. But why? Actually, I could think of plenty of reasons why that would be. But my hope is that you start to transition away from the feelings of guilt, to feelings of happiness and joy when it comes to taking care of yourself. When I created the Dare to FLY workshop, this is exactly what I had in mind.

On July 13th, I had the pleasure of hosting the second series of the Dare to FLY workshop. I’ve been frazzled, overwhelmed and confused. But I figured out how to design real time for myself, create a healthier lifestyle, & pursue the dreams and goals that I never even knew were waiting to be brought to life. And I want to help more moms to do the same. This is not just a workshop, but an opportunity for you to grow, learn and allow yourself to be empowered. It’s a chance to reconnect and rediscover the person inside of you that you may have forgotten about.

289 (2)There are so many reasons why we, as moms need to start putting ourselves first. We need to start getting over the mom guilt, create time on our calendars just for us, and start taking more pride in how we show up in the world.

Dare to FLY is all about sharing tools and strategies to doing these things. And when you learn and practice using these tools and strategies, everyone benefits.

That’s why I want you to join me for a FREE call to share the 3 biggest steps you can take TODAY to feel empowered and fulfilled, and move away from feeling frazzled and frustrated.

Join me by registering below for call-in details for Thursday August 1st at 7:00pm EST. If you would like to listen in on the call, but are unable to make it live, simply fill out the form below and a recording of the call will be delivered to your inbox.

Sign up for this FREE call!



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We discussed challenges around getting over fears to pursue dreams and goals, challenges around creating “mommy time”, how to look like a million bucks on a dime sized budget, and much more! We went through some exercises and talked through some hurdles. They all walked away with some small action steps to get them started on the right track.

I was extremely excited to have my special guest and friend, The Style Medic to lend her expertise on how moms can feel good and look FLY all on a budget. To be exact: she showed us how to create 23 outfits using 4 tops, 2 jackets, and 4 bottoms. It’s magic I tell ya!


cluster challenge collage

Don’t forget to sign up in the box above and join me THIS Thursday August 1st at 7:00pm EST for a special Dare to FLY Recap call. How would it feel to take charge of yourself & your life so you can stop feeling guilty and start feeling good?

Sign up for this FREE call!



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  • Kim Ikemia Arrington
    July 30, 2013 at 3:25 PM

    Count me in…this was tooo good to miss. Glad you're doing a recap.

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