I had the pleasure of being featured on my friend Brandy Butler’s new site to talk about living the definition of insanity. This site is aimed at creating a a supportive community of motivated and professional women who have realized that there’s something more for them than a typical 9 – 5, gray cubicle vortex. Girl Just Quit is a safe space for women to express themselves while networking, learning about profitable opportunities and manifesting dreams. And to help women do that, Brandy started a “Women Who Quit” series where she shares stories from women who have diverse backgrounds, but one thing in common: we are all quitters. I love this quote by Brandy because it’s so true:
“Quitters do win, if they are quitting the right things, the right way”.
We all know that the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again but expecting a different result. How’s that working for you? Chances are, it’s not. Here is what led me to become a quitter and ditch the insanity…
Yes, being a stay-at-home mom is still work
Living the Definition of Insanity:
When I think back to where I was three years ago, I think about how I was literally living the definition of insanity. One of the things that I wrote about in my new book was the fact that we are always in choice. We tend to blame the devil on all the bad things that happen to us, but the fact of the matter is, most of the time, obstacles arise based off of a choice that we made. And for me, that choice was staying at a job that stressed me more than blessed me, and drained me more than fulfilled me.
So what lies have you told yourself when it comes to staying at a job that makes you sick? Are you part of the 70% of people who are unhappy in their jobs or the fortunate few of the 30% who like their jobs? Three years ago, I was definitely living the definition of insanity as I was a part of the 70%. But I kept telling myself that things would get better. I told myself that I couldn’t quit because we had baby number three on the way. I told myself that I wasn’t going to let them try and chase me away. I told myself that I just needed to keep doing my best work, I would prove why I was hired in the first place. But the fact of the matter was, I had outgrown my time with that company and nothing I did was going to change the fact that it was time for me to go.
Now, my corporate dropout story may be a bit unique in that I did have any strategic plan. I didn’t have six to eight months worth of emergency funds saved up. And while I can’t go into all of the details that led me to quit (although I did explain them in great detail in my new book), what I can say is that you have to listen to that small voice.
Read more to find out what led me to quit my job & what I learned in the process.
What areas of your life have you been living the definition of insanity?
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