Happy Belated Father’s Day to all the wonderful men that make up the other half of the women represented here, or simply for playing the vital part in creating our little blessings. Parenting and co-parenting is not an easy feat by any means and I personally give God all the credit when strangers tell me I have such well-behaved boys.
I have on many occasions thought that I’m not a good mother and caught myself scratching my head as to how God entrusted me with the responsibility of raising four. But I realize that He didn’t expect me to do it in my own strength, much like He doesn’t expect us to do anything in our strength. Carrying the burden of all the expectations that come with parenting and entrepreneurial endeavors can be a lot, something that’s evident with talks about achieving the ever-elusive “balance” (we know there’s really no such thing).
Learning to “unload” and cast our burdens on Him, just as He instructs in Psalm 55:22, comes not only with some peace of mind but also with the assurance that we won’t slip and fall (New Living Translation). This would imply that we do this only when we try to figure everything out on our own. Now I don’t know about you, but I’ve sure slipped and fallen a number of times and have the scars to prove it, but it’s amazing to know that His mercy allows us to get back up and try again.
Regardless of how our dads, husbands, and/or baby-daddies are, how helpful they may or may not be in helping us juggle all the balls in the air; remember our heavenly Father is always there to see us through. Where man falls short, God not only makes up for it but He supersedes any human effort, if we let Him.
So as this first day of summer unravels, walk in His love this season and remember that He cares for you, your kids, and your business.
Stay blessed!
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