The Target Vacation

I “borrowed” this picture off of a friend’s timeline from Facebook, and I just smile every time I look at it.  It reminds me that I am not alone in the crazy world of motherhood.   This picture is the  I’ve literally already started a packing list for our family vacation that we’re taking at the end of September!  But it’ll be our first family of five vacation (six including my awesome mother-in-law), and who else will make sure it goes off without a hitch?!

After coming across this picture, I no longer feel guilty for dumping the kids on my hubby and sprinting out to the store to “get a few things”.  When I feel like I’m at my wits end, the kids are throwing tantrums left and right, I can’t seem to get all the laundry done — there is nothing better than running off to Target to wander around aimlessly.  Most of the time, I don’t even have an agenda or list of items that I necessarily need.  I just need to push that red cart around the store and browse at my leisure; no little hands tugging at my legs, no breaking up fights, and no yelling “NO!”.  It’s just me, my cart, and I.  And I’m perfectly fine with that! 🙂

So what’s your favorite mommy “vacation” spot?  Target? The Nail Shop? Hair salon?

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  • T.Espi
    July 16, 2012 at 6:54 PM

    Oh Target, how I love thee. The Target vacation is REAL. I firmly believe that’s why there’s a Starbucks in the store 🙂

    • Annetta Benjamin
      July 17, 2012 at 4:47 AM

      My mommy vacation spot can be accessed daily, its a small retreat space that can fit multiple people but it’s recommended to be used indivdually. This place can also be used as a multi-purpose room with internet access, a comfortable seat for reading or listening to music, and it comes with a private lock to keep unwanted visitors from entering. What is this place you ask? its called the BATHROOM! I access it usually in the evening after the bedtime routine is complete. My biggest tip is to keep the door locked and remain silent, the lack of response typically deters potential intruders!!

      • ckstvil
        July 17, 2012 at 4:55 AM

        LOL!!! OMG, I love it!!! And yes, when I trapped indoors and can’t escape, this has definitely been my hideaway on many occasions. I absolutely love your description 🙂

    • ckstvil
      July 17, 2012 at 4:56 AM

      Absolutely!! They definitely knew what they were doing when they added the Starbucks…I mean really, there’s no other stop that needs to be made 🙂

  • Dhakiyya
    August 3, 2012 at 4:22 PM

    My favorite getaway/vacation spot is any on-line shopping site. Once I log on or click go, my mind takes a dive into the wonderful world of shopping and nothing penetrates the walls of on-line tranquility! Though I may be physically present as far as others are concerned, I am so engulfed in my “vacation” that nothing more than my physical being is accessible!

    • Christine St.Vil
      August 6, 2012 at 3:47 AM

      I absolutely LOVE this! I, too really enjoy online shopping as well, and you can definitely cover a lot more ground in a fraction of the time it would take to physically go anywhere 🙂

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