Why You Need Focus To Get What You Want

Focus, success, motivation

Last week I mentioned how I had a moment of frustration over the journey that is life and entrepreneurship, and during the week I’ve literally had God use different people to further minister to me about the process and gaining focus.

See what we have to do is respect the process for what it is, because short of a miraculous touch from God, everything is and has a process. Getting and being pregnant – process, labour and delivery – process, baking an upside-down pineapple cake (one of my favs) – process. There’s no way around it.

Part of what causes our frustration with the process is a lack of focus on what we are doing. When you start comparing your chapter 3 to Mary’s chapter 8, you’re bound to get frustrated. When you start comparing your journey to somebody else’s, you’re fighting against your process, and there’s no winning.


Focus during the process


So how do we come to terms with this process? How do we embrace it? -Through endurance. Similar to the perseverance mentioned last week, endurance is the power of going through a difficult process or situation without giving way. That power comes from you having focus.

Focus is vitally important because your eyes, physical and otherwise, are merely set on the end goal. Focus eliminates comparison, it eliminates distraction, which in turn at the very least, minimises frustration. Ps. Mike Hathaway out of VA said on Periscope that distractions only work if you look at them. *Drops Mic – Walks away* BAAM! Ok?! Stop looking at all these distractions! (I’m talking to myself too, lol) Keep your eyes fixed on your vision board instead, on your WHY, in your bible. Don’t worry about any of the other stuff.

Jack Canfield, the author of the ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ series, has a book called “The Power of Focus.” He says it’s the number one reason that stops people from getting what they want. So knowing this, and knowing what it is you want (get that vision board together), we ought to do everything in our power to remain focused. That’s my word for you this week – FOCUS.

What are some distractions causing you to loose focus? Let’s brainstorm on ways to combat it.

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