It’s Black History Month, or as many are redefining it, Black History Year. Yes, we’re black every day of the year, lol. And taking the time to observe and educating our children, so that they can be proud of the colour of their skin, is worth doing every month of the year. Don’t let society dictate what and when you learn about your past. Empower yourself by taking it into your own hands.
The African-American history is so rich and with the likelihood of being taught this in school being slim to none, it’s up to us to teach not only the next generation, but also ourselves. Teaching and learning doesn’t have to be “a task”. Find ways to weave into your conversation with your kids. If Beyoncé’s pregnancy news breaking the internet can be a dinner topic conversation, perhaps take the opportunity to Google and discuss black history surrounding childbirth, midwives, or the first African-America female Doctor, Rebecca Lee Crumpler. If you have boys like me, tuning into LeBron’s latest complaints, then learning what the first African-American NBA player went through is better learning opportunity.
I hear the phrase “it’s because I’m black” so many times, in a negative context as to why an opportunity is missed. I think really learning about what Black’s have overcome and contributed to society, people can start saying “it’s because I’m black” implying it as an advantage. Even if indeed the colour of your skin is the reason for something unfortunate, find ways to make it your own fortune. You hold the keys to your destiny, so use them. And simultaneously show your children that they have keys just as powerful.
To help further this cause, the rest of this month’s posts will feature a #TodayInBlackHistory section to serve as a reminder to the many things we’ve accomplished. I randomly came across the hashtag on my Instagram feed and think it’s worth sharing. I would love it you share stories you come across too with us here MNC.
Moms 'N Charge Quitting Is Not Always A Bad Thing - Moms 'N Charge
February 6, 2017 at 12:00 AM[…] of quitting, or giving up, for #TodayInBlackHistory, we say Happy Birthday to Rosa Parks whose birthday was February 4, […]
Blacks in Animation & the Wonderful World of Disney - Moms 'N Charge®
February 22, 2017 at 12:05 AM[…] all the Disney fairy dust on the site of late, and this being Black History Month, I want to take the opportunity to introduce you to one of Disney’s long time animators. […]