The lessons we learn from our Au-Some children (children on the Autism spectrum) are amazing and can be applied in our daily lives. Yes, being a mom to a child with any special needs catapults you to become a Super Duper mom, with the added job roles of Chief Executive Officer, medical specialist, researcher, accountant, therapist, nutritionist and many more. Would I trade this Au-Some mom job for anything in the world? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! The love for our children supersedes all the roles that we inherit.
I had the honor of asking other Au-Some moms, what they have learned from their children. Their answers, combined with my experiences resulted in this list.
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10 LESSONS learned from my Au-Some Child are:
- Patience. This seemed to be the biggest one. My son knows how to breathe through difficult times and will show me the same when I forget. He has taught me that to really understand and connect with him, patience is needed.
- Understanding. The ability to understand that different does not mean bad or good. Different is real and acceptable. Understanding that there is a bigger picture outside a label and to be open to this understanding.
- Gratitude and appreciate the small things. I watch him play with his toys and the joy it gives him. Or I watch him smile by looking at the leaves swaying in the trees. He teaches me to be grateful for all things small and beautiful.
- To think outside the box. The box is what is expected for the “typical” developing child. Our kids are totally outside, on top, around and sometimes under the box. To truly understand and connect with our au-some kids we have to be right there with them…“outside of the box.”
- Laughter. There is something about the sounds of giggling and belly bursting laughter that comes from our kids; from the most unexpected source, that warms our hearts. They teach us that is ok to laugh at the silly things.
- To trust them and go with the flow. This one is one that I think we as Au-Some moms tend to have the most difficulty with, spending most of their lives as their advocates, to then letting them go to be their own advocates in the BIG world. To be honest, I’m still working on this.
- That everything is possible. Never underestimate that our Au-Some kids can learn and be better. It may not always happen on the time that we may want it, but it CAN happen. Through consistency and continuous trials and practice, improvements will be made.
- Celebrate every win and triumph, no matter how small it may be. Since some milestones for our kids are on its own time scale, we learn to celebrate all the smaller wins along the way to the completion of the milestone.
- To slow down and smell the roses. Enjoy the little things in life. Take it one day, one hour and sometimes one minute at a time. Fulfilling all the many roles that we play can be exhausting, so we learn from them to stop and slow down.
- Unconditional love and the power of forgiveness. My son forgives so easily and will rarely hold grudges. He lets things go and has the biggest heart of love. His compassion for others is so admirable.
Which one of these lessons resonates with you the most? What else have you learned from your child? Are you open to being the student as they become the teacher of some of life’s important life lessons?
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Moms 'N Charge Changes and parenting an Au-some child - Moms 'N Charge
July 20, 2016 at 1:38 PM[…] Also Related: 10 Lessons Learned from my Au-Some child […]