The New Year is Here! Business as Usual or Poised for Change?

Happy New Year Friends! So we are now on day four of 2013. How are you doing? Did you make new goals and resolutions for the year? Or new goals and resolutions NOT to make new goals and resolutions? Whatever route you decided to take, I’m sure somewhere in there is a new focus, goal, success, path (whatever you want to call it) that you intend to achieve between now and December 31, 2013. Or, maybe you want to expand on some of the things you set forth to achieve in 2012 but didn’t quite hit the mark. For me personally, it’s a mixture between expanding on older goals, and setting/achieving some new and exciting ones (some of which are top secret…and will be shared first with the lucky ones on my VIP mailing list)!

Before recently, there were a lot of things that I felt like I couldn’t do. Some of those things included starting a business, becoming a SAHM, starting this blog, developing a free tips report for moms, or even becoming a writer for an award-winning website! But I made a decision last year to change the person who I was, and a lot of that involved changing my mindset. I had to know that I was capable of doing all of these things and more. And once I came to that realization and decision, I put a plan into place for how I was going to get there. Since I didn’t know much about a lot, I invested in myself by hiring someone who did. I started by taking baby steps, and although the change was uncomfortable, it was exactly what I needed to keep from holding myself back any longer.

So I’m going to continue with my commitment to myself to stay uncomfortable. I realized that when I’m comfortable, it usually means I’m not doing enough. Not pushing myself enough. Not staying focused enough. So my challenge to you is this: figure out what you need to commit to changing, in order to keep from holding yourself back. Yesterday I realized I was link hopping and randomly browsing Facebook for longer than I needed to/had any business doing. So I deleted all of my social media apps from my iPhone. That might be drastic for some, but for me it helped me get my focus back. It was too easy to for me to pretend that I was actually doing work. What steps do you need to take?

If it’s one thing I learned over the last couple of years, it’s that change is hard. But it can be very good, and it is not impossible.  We all have to go through changes in our lives, both good and not so good.  When we’re forced to face a change, it’s up to us to either fight it or embrace it.   For some people, change is easy…in the beginning, but then they might lose momentum. For others change is hard…really, really hard. But once they get going, it becomes easier.

So…are you going to start that blog, run a marathon, go to Paris, stop smoking, fly a plane, pet a shark (ok…maybe not that last one but you get my drift), etc…or will it be business as usual?

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  • Janeane Davis
    January 5, 2013 at 9:32 PM

    I like that you deleted the social media apps when you recognized a problem. So many times people see a problem and complain about it and do nothing. The first step toward solving a problem is actually getting up and doing something to solve the problem.
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  • MELISASource
    January 5, 2013 at 10:22 PM

    I agree with this. Saying you’re going to do stuff is one thing, but being bold and actually taking the steps needed towards getting those things accomplished is what takes success of it to a whole new level!
    MELISASource would like you to check out…Deliverance From Being A Doormat: Reclaim Your Life With 1 PhraseMy Profile

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