Motivational Monday: Replace Fear with Faith

If you don’t know by now, I’ve become a Periscope addict and not only sharing some great information on there, but I’m learning from other great people and friends. It’s a free platform that allows you to watch and launch your own live broadcast from anywhere in the world.

I’ve attended two funerals in the last week. I just came back from Connecticut where I had to painfully watch my friend bury her father. If there was a picture in the dictionary next to “daddy’s girl”, her picture would absolutely be there. Since that dreadful day she received that phone call, her fear was how she could ever keep going without her beloved father in her life? But when she got up to speak, she was able to express the fact that she knows that her dad wouldn’t have left her if he didn’t know she was strong enough to handle it as time goes on.

So many times in life we are faced with gut wrenching fears that we sometimes may never fully understand. It’s easy to watch loved ones suffer through losing someone so close and dear to them, and then begin to fear having to go through that very thing. And while I don’t have any answers, the only thing I can do is lean harder on the faith that I have. The only thing I can do is replace fear with faith.

This topic has become a common subject matter on Periscope and the people talking about it, none of us even knew the other would be talking about it. I love this post by my friend Adeea Rogers of Trendy Socialite. She talks about facing fear and doubt as a brand/business owner, and shares a moment of transparency where she just wanted to quit. The truth of the matter is, no matter how successful you are, what amazing opportunities come your way, you will always be faced with fear and doubt. But it’s about finding ways to work through those obstacles because the truth of the matter is, our journey is never about us. It’s about those who were were sent here on this earth to help.

The moment you recognize that doubt and fear, figure out how to replace those negative thoughts with positive ones. Have faith that what is for you is for you, and no amount of doubt or fear can keep you from it, unless you allow it.

How do you overcome your fears and doubt?

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