National Day of Unplugging: 9 Reasons I Choose to Unplug & You Should Too

5. Information detox

Remember all of that information I talked about earlier? Yeah, sometimes we need a detox from all of that. If you’re anything like me, then you probably have at least 17 tabs open at all times on your browser. That is a clear sign that you are constantly overdosing on internet info and you need a break to relax your mind. I’m taking the pledge to #unplug so that I can detox from information overload.

6. Read (a real book)

I love to read and learn new things, especially as it relates to my business and learning from successful people. But I’m guilty of allowing some of them to collect dust because I haven’t made it a priority to read them. Instead, I spend countless hours reading articles and blog posts upon blog posts of information online. I’m taking the pledge to #unplug so I can spend time reading my awesome collection of books.

7. Plug into my marriage

It’s challenging enough that my husband and I work opposite schedules. So while it would be ideal to spend our quality time together after we put the kids to bed at night, that’s usually about the time that he is heading out for work. So we’ve had to figure out some creative ways to sneak some kid-free time in together (like in the mornings before they wake up). I’m taking the pledge to #unplug so I can find even more time to spend connecting with my better half.

8. Exercise more

I admit that life and responsibilities have gotten in the way of my bi-weekly Zumba dates. A lot of the times and even in the future it will be due to circumstances beyond my control. But as I get older, one thing I know is for sure: my body needs to stay in action. I can no longer sit around and expect the weight to stay off by itself. I’m taking the pledge to #unplug because my body needs to stay on the move.

9. Treat Social Media Anxiety Disorder (SMAD)

Yes, it’s real and yes there is a cure. The cure is to spend less time on social media. I know, because I’ve done it in the past. If you constantly feel the urge to update, post, tweet or pin, then chances are, you have SMAD. And it can very well affect your relationships if you don’t know how to get it under control. My husband literally had to tell me one day to put my phone down because I was trying to take a picture of my food and post it to Instagram. In that moment, I realized: it’s not that serious. I’m taking the pledge to #unplug to remind myself that there is life outside of social media.

Will you take the pledge with me? What will you pledge to unplug during the month of March? 

To help in your efforts to unplug, NDU has provided a toolkit with great ideas and helpful ways to intentionally unplug so you can focus on your family. Download your NDU Kids Tookit now.

Click here to download your own unplug pledge and then be sure to tweet @MamasMashup and use the hashtags: #MamasMashup #Unplug when sharing your photos.

unplug pledge NDU

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